Friday, January 20, 2012

Dear Friends,
We have breaking news here in Danville! Our group has approved our constitution and now plans are in motion for a church examination council. I had already alerted area pastors in SE Iowa about this progress and now we can move forward. We are all looking forward to the recognition process and organizational progress.
Our living nativity
Signs placed on tables
Each year Danville has a Christmas Walk and this time our group provided a living nativity using props from another church. It was great to have the true meaning of Christmas represented! The ladies also provided and served desserts for the supper. People are always surprised that we give without wanting anything in return. Our year ended with a special church Christmas celebration and  fellowship at our house. It was encouraging to see many of our church family get involved in the different aspects of the Christmas program. A pastor friend was very complimentary about the large percentage of participation of our group, both young and old.
The new year has begun with opportunities. We continue to have good attendance - in fact new faces - at our Good News Club on Tuesdays. It was encouraging to find out our average attendance is higher than some larger cities in Iowa with Good News Clubs. It is a challenge to keep children's attention right after school, but they still seem to soak it up and families are benefiting from the gospel.
Some of the children showing gifts they made for the nursing home residents.
We are still keeping the gospel doors open with neighbor families, especially Alex and Jessica, and ask your prayers that they be saved and become a part of our church. We also continue to communicate with families that have attended our community events, so a new year letter with a children's devotional book is being sent to promote the gospel and to attract attention to our church ministry.
Currently, I am having a Bible study with a couple. Please pray for their understanding and salvation. Our efforts continue with monthly men's and women's fellowships, a college student fellowship, and continued deputation meetings. Our support is moving closer to 85%. It is always alot of extra work to prepare to visit other churches, but also alot of satisfaction and blessing in visiting and sharing with them.
Many people are now aware that our grandson Michael has written a gospel tract about his leukemia and God's priority in his life. He is still confined to his home following the bone marrow transplant, but thanks to our great God he's also "beating the odds" and statistics for his improvement. The 100 days will soon be up, and on February 7 Michael will have another biopsy. Our daughter still keeps the going with updates. Our son-in-law Mark said it quite well; he had to face the possibility that he might lose his young son to cancer, but God knew his Son would die and still gave him on our behalf. Let us never grow weary of the Good News we have in the gospel!
Thank you so much for your interest and prayerful support. This weekend I am speaking at a teen rally. I will use Psalm 8. Check it out and be amazed again at how great is our God!